KALDEWEI supports architects and planners with BIM data

KALDEWEI supports architects and planners with BIM data

Ahlen, December 2016. – International experts, industry bodies and government ministries worldwide are firmly of the opinion that BIM will be the future standard for project planning, coordination and cost control in construction. Recognising this, premium manufacturer KALDEWEI has already picked up on this hot topic – one of the first sanitary product manufacturers to do so – and is providing planners and architects with comprehensive support in the shape of digital data for the most important BIM software applications. From 27 November 2016 KALDEWEI BIM data is available for download from the new website at www.kaldewei.com/service/architects-planners/2d-3d-and-bim-files.

The use of BIM (building information modelling) enables computer-based planning that integrates all those involved in a given construction project across all trades. This reciprocal flow of information ensures better planning security and cost efficiency because the interdependencies between architecture, building engineering and possible process changes can be taken into consideration early on. A digital 3D model is at the heart of BIM. It contains all relevant project and product-specific data, supplemented by additional information such as costs and deadlines, and is used by all parties involved in the given project.

KALDEWEI is actively promoting this forward-looking technology thus once again underlining its close partnership with planners and architects. The KALDEWEI data is available in all standard formats for the most important BIM software solutions: rfa (Revit) and gsm (ArchiCAD); 3D data will be provided in the following formats: 3ds and max (3ds Max), skp (Sketch’up), vwx (Vectorworks), dxf (Autodesk) and alto (Atlantis). In each case the basic product is modelled with the obligatory visible trims such as waste outlet and overflow, making the data even easier for architects to use in day-to-day planning work.

Digitalisation of construction industry constantly on the rise

BIM is increasingly gaining ground internationally. In countries such as the UK, Norway, the USA and the Netherlands BIM is already widely used and, in some cases, is a prerequisite for public tenders. Experts are convinced that over the next three years this planning method will also gain a foothold in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. Against the backdrop of the “Green Building” concept and growing demand for sustainability, BIM’s integrated approach is becoming ever more important as this method provides relevant information across a building’s entire lifecycle.

KALDEWEI: the perfect partner for project business

KALDEWEI is a reliable partner for residential and hotel construction projects with a high standard of design and quality. The premium manufacturer’s products winningly combine exclusive design that loses nothing of its timeless elegance even after years of use, and the superior properties of KALDEWEI steel enamel. The KALDEWEI brand thus offers builders and investors aesthetic and safe product solutions whose quality is backed up by a 30-year warranty.


Source: Franz KALDEWEI GmbH & Co. KG. Copy requested.



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From planning to project completion: as one of the first sanitary product manufacturers to do so, as of 27 November 2016 KALDEWEI is providing BIM data in standard formats for all relevant bathtubs, showers and washbasins. A digital 3D model is at the heart of BIM. It contains all relevant project and product-specific data, supplemented by additional information such as costs and deadlines, and is used by all parties involved in the given project.

Source: braendle-media  |  1_KALDEWEI_BIM

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